Wednesday 12 February 2014

Educational cartoons about life in Rome

If you have been living on Mars for the last few years and not heard/seen/read Horrible Histories then I suggest you check the books here or DVDs here.  The rest of you will by now be wondering what next on the history front in terms of something that appeals to youngsters, keeps their attention and educates them.

A small but useful answer is the two animations below.  Ray Laurence, the Professor of Roman history and archaeology at the University of Kent has produced two short cartoons that have been seen by over half a million people.

A day in the life of a seven-year old Roman girl

A day in the life of a teenage Roman boy

Thursday 6 February 2014

Primo - a fantastic learning toy from @primo_io

Primo brings hi-tech educational excitement back into the real, physical world.  We are excited to be one of the 651 Kickstarter backers that have enabled Primo to occur and look forward to getting our kit and giving a full review in the late summer.

Primo offers "A tangible programming interface designed to teach programming logic to children aged 4-7 without the need for literacy".  Watch the video for more details.

Click here for the Primo site

"Primo makes programming tangible, helping kids write their first programs and algorithms” - Wired